Come discover community devoted to diversity, spiritual adulthood, and stepping up with an open heart. Journey with us and develop a strong working relationship with your own helping spirits and guides.
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Worshops and Classes

Shamanic Practice 2024

Shamanic Practice offers transformational experiences for practitioners of the healing arts, shamanic healers, and experienced journeyers as well as shamanic practitioners.

Live Online Classes

Energy Body Mastery
7-week, live, online
Next class: February 9, 2025
Registration is closed
If interested in Energy Body Mastery offered by a Teacher in Training, please contact Andrea
For more information

Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation
7-week, live, online
PRE-REQUISITE: Energy Body Mastery
Registration is closed
Next class: April 27, 2025
For more information

Energy Body Clearing: Advanced Strategies
7-week, live, online
Energy Body Mastery
Energy Body Clearing
For more information
Next class: 2026

Shadow Transformation Protocol
8-week, live online 
For more information
Next class: March 3, 2025
Registration is closed

Ancestral Healing Basic
Self-paced, online course
Registration is always open!
For information and Registration

Ancestral Healing Protocol 2
Transforming Persistent Patterns

8-week, live, online
1. Basic Ancestral Healing
2. Energy Body Mastery
3. Energy Body Clearing
4. Journey Skills 
For more information
Next class: August 2025

Ancestral Healing Protocol 3
Dismantling Collective Patterns
Next class: August 2025

The Basic Journey
Self-paced, online course
Registration is always OPEN
Information and Registration HERE

Basic Skills for Everyone

Energy Body Mastery
Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation
Energy Body Clearing: Advanced Strategies
Healing the Ancestral Lines: Basic


The Cycle Teachings & Community

Four-year training in The Cycle of Transformation Lifeway. All retreats are held in Troutdale, Oregon
Pre-requisites are:
Energy Body Mastery
Energy Body Clearing
Basic Journeying 
Cycle Community Threshold Process

Threshold Process 2025
April 14-18, 2025

Troutdale, Oregon.
Visit to learn more.

Masks of Illusion: Year 1
Sept 7 - 12, 2025

Birth of the Healer: Year 1, Part 2
April 1 - 4, 2025

Dance of the Shadow Self: Year 2
August 30 - September 5, 2025

Birth of the Warrior: Year 2, Part 2
April 22 - 25, 2025

The Sacred Self: Year 3
September 14 - 19, 2025

Birth of the Teacher: Year 3, Part 2

Laying the Bones to Rest: Year 4

Birth of the Visionary: Year 4, Part 2
April 8 - 11, 2025

Dismantling the False Self: Completion
Sept 23- 26, 2025

Cycle Community Gathering
June 18 - 21, 2025

Ongoing Classes

Open shamanic events are postponed until we are able to gather safely

For more information go to and join “Shamanic Healing and Teachings” for free. Follow the news about the open, ongoing classes there.
Workshops and Classes

Shamanism & Shamanic Practice

— responding to the needs of our time with shamanic skills and medicine for our world


2025 Live Online Schedule:


The Basic Journey with Christina Lee Pratt
registration is always open

Self-paced, online course

More information and registration HERE

Art: Nature Tech, Mark Lewis Wagner

The Deep Liberation Process:

1. Energy Body Mastery

7-week, live, online
For more information
Next Offering: February 9, 2025
Registration is CLOSED.

If interested in Energy Body Mastery offered by a Teacher in Training, please contact Andrea
Discover and Clear Internalized Oppressive Patterns in a Practice that Liberates Your Lifeforce to Act in a Grounded, Resilient, Heart-Centered Life that Works


2. Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation

7-week, live, online
For more information
Pre-requisite: Energy Body Mastery

Next Offering: April 27, 2025
Registration is CLOSED.

3. Energy Body Clearing: Advanced Strategies

7-week, live, online
Pre-requisite: Energy Body Clearing
Next offering: 2026
For more information

The Shadow Transformation Protocol

8-week, live online
No Pre-requisites

For more information
Next Offering: March 1, 2024

Registration is CLOSED.

Energy Body Mastery: Teacher Training

New Class: TBD
1. EBM and practice
2. EBC and practice

Energy Body Clearing: Teacher Training

New Class: TBD
Then monthly through the following year
1. EBM and practice
2. EBC and practice

4. EBM Teacher Training

Healing the Ancestral Lines: Basic 

Self-paced, online course
Registration is always open!
For information and Registration

Art: Mark Lewis Wagner

Transforming Persistent Patterns
Healing the Ancestral Lines 2

8-week, live, online
Next Offering: August 2025
  1. Confident shamanic journeying practice
  2. Energy Body Mastery
  3. Energy Body Clearing
  4. Healing The Ancestral Lines: Basic
For More Information

Dismantling Collective Patterns
Healing the Ancestral Lines 3

New Course and Focus in Sept 2024
Next Offering: August 2025
  1. Ancestral Healing Protocol 2
  2. Confident shamanic journeying practice

Live, online courses in 2025 at Last Mask Center

  • Energy Exchange is offered for each course from the funds raised by each course. By registering early you enlarge the fund we can offer for those less well-resourced than you are at this time.
  • All courses are available to retake for free when they run live, once they have been paid for.
  • All course material remains available online for students after the course ends until the course is offered again in the next year.
  • Online discussion is open year-round.

